Module @palico-ai/app

Palico App

This is the core framework for Palico App. This framework has the following responsibilities:

  • Help developers define their LLM application
  • Help developers define their experiments
  • Setup an API for other services to communicate with the LLM application
  • Manage database tables and schemas


Make sure you have your workspace setup. If you haven't already, follow the Workspace Setup guide.

One-time Setup

To properly test our changes, we'll need to publish the palico-app package to a local npm registry, then consume it from the sample-app project. We'll use Verdaccio for this purpose.

  1. Setup Verdaccio

    npm install -g verdaccio
  2. Point sample-app to Verdaccio:

    cd sample-app
    echo "registry=" >> ".npmrc"
    echo "@palico-ai:registry=http://localhost:4873/" >> ".npmrc"
  3. Add a reinstall script in sample-app/package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "rebuild": "(cd ../palico-ai && nx run-many -t publish-local -p palico-app -p common)",
    "reinstall": "npm run rebuild && npm uninstall @palico-ai/app && npm install @palico-ai/app"

Testing Changes

  1. Make sure Verdaccio is running in a separate console window

  2. After you have made a change to packages/palico-app, publish these changes to sample-app:

    cd sample-app
    npm run reinstall
  3. Start sample-app and test your changes:

    npm start


Quick-Start for Adding Eval Metrics

For adding eval metrics, you can skip all the other documents in this repo and quickly get started by following the steps below:

  1. Fork this repo and clone it

    git clone<github_username>/palico-ai
  2. Install npm dependencies

    cd palico-ai
    npm install
  3. Add your changes for new metric in packages/palico-app/src/experiments/metrics folder. You will need to include the following changes:

  4. Confirm project builds properly

    npx nx run sanity-check
  5. Pull Request





Type Aliases

